Monday 27 February 2012

Newspaper-Salford Scribble

This is my most recent draft for my newspaper, I feel after a few small changes it will be finished.


 Above is a draft of what I may use as the articles and sub heading for the front page of my newspaper. Also above are the drafts of my front page for my newspaper, I did a number of different ones to make sure I choose the right layout.

After Looking carefully at my first draft of my weather forecast for the inside page, I realised that the words and pictures were not in line and it looked untidy. So on my second draft I used guide lines and made sure everything was perfect and straigh. I also used a different background to add more interest and colour to my newspaper.

This is a small side advert I've created on Photoshop, I'm going to include in my newspaper to appeal to a wider audience.

This is the choosen title and font of my newspaper.

This is the first draft of my main front cover image, but i need to make it smaller and experiment with the colour maybe try it in black and white.

This is my final draft for my front cover image, I have made sure all the people are youths and choose this colour(black&white) because I feel it fitted with my article on crime compared to it in colour looked more like criminal mug shoots.

Layout Ideas:

Friday 3 February 2012

Ancillary-Radio Advert


The radio advert above is for a past student, they have been very successful at attracting a target audience by doing many different things such as; have upbeat music playing constantly throughout the advert. They have also used the word ‘Local’ a number of different times this showing the listeners that it targets only local information for the local people and by repeating it more than once it sticks in the listeners head. It gives lots of information about the context of the newspaper, such as a story that is inside the newspaper about a local girl getting accepted at a top school, local business, local news, and local advertisements and states the price of the newspaper (£1). This is a good advert for a newspaper because it states everything that is inside and it is quite uplifting and positive because of the tone of the woman’s voice and the music, as a listener it does make me want to buy the newspaper for all the local information.

This newspaper advert is also from a passed student and the newspaper is called ‘Island eye’ I think this is also a successful radio advert but in different ways to ‘The Daily Journal’. It doesn’t have music played throughout the full ad it instead has a melody at the beginning and end of the advert like a trademark jingle, which I think is very successful because it targets it audience and people can instantly recognise it (a great example of a successful jingle is the McDonalds ‘I’m loving it’ this showing if done correct they can have a very positive outcome). It is a conversation between two people, with the woman complaining about a other newspaper and the man telling her all about a new local newspaper ‘Island eye’ saying what is included for example he says’ Island eye has the real news because it has an eye on what’s going on’ this showing that they have carefully thought about their title of the newspaper. The advert also states how much the newspaper cost (70p) but they say that 30p of the total goes to ‘youth opportunity fund’ which is helping other young local people so this is great marketing showing they are a caring newspaper.

This newspaper advert isn’t as successful and targeting as the other two, as a listener it wasn’t as enjoyable to listen to it didn’t give as much information I felt it didnt flow. There wasn’t any music at the beginning or during the ad (expect the celebration music at the end when he has won the lottery), so it didn’t instantly draw me in, it also was hard to understand and hear the voices where quick and muffled, they should of spoke clearer it was too much like two friends talking didn’t sound professional. They also just spoke about the lottery number through the advert, they didn’t give any other information on what less is inside the newspaper expect ‘there are hundreds of reasons to read it’ isn’t direct or precise.

Radio Advert Script

Get your Salford Scribble for 50p this Saturday. 

Your LOCAL daily newspaper packed with LOCAL stories, current affairs and forth coming events.

Salford Scribble available from your local newsagents  for just 50p FREE from your local town centre vendors.

So get your copy of the Salford Scribble it isn’t full of dribble.